The object data type is the 8th data type and only the non-primitive data type. In this article, we will see how to create and access objects in JavaScript.
How to create an object
Objects are created with curly brackets containing properties, { ... }
Empty objects are objects with no property list.
A property is a
"key": value
pair. Keys are in quotes if it is multi-word but without quotes if in a single word. The values are anything. The key is also called name and value, identifier.
Note: It is a good practice to use the camelCase naming convention for keys, myName
, not my name
See the below syntax:
obj = { key1: value1, key2: value2, ..., keyN: valueN }
The syntax above is called object literal syntax
See the example below:
const person = {
myName: "John Doe",
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
Property names are always in strings even though not specified. That is,
property is the same as"age"
When you write object properties in multiple lines, as shown above, it is called the trailing or hanging comma.
Every box (object) has keys to access specific items (values).
An empty object can also be filled by appending properties to it.
const person= {}; = "John Doe";
person.age= 34;
person.isDoctor= true
To create a new object, the syntax is shown below:
obj = new Object();
Accessing Keys
There are two ways to access key properties in JavaScript, they are:
- Dot notation
- Square bracket
Dot Notation
See the example below on how to access the value, 34:
const person = {
"my name": "John Doe",
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
person.age; // 34 => dot notation
accessed the value, 34 through dot notation
Square brackets
The dot notation doesn't work when keys contain special characters like space.
const person = {
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
person["my name"] = "John Doe";
// { age: 34, isDoctor: true, 'my name': 'John Doe' }
person["my name"]; // John Doe => square brackets notation
Computed Properties
Square brackets can be used in an object literal also to create object properties. Such properties are called computed properties.
See the example below:
const name = "myName" ;
const person = {
[name]: "John Doe",
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
console.log(person.myName); // John Doe
Object in a function
We can also have a function nesting object(s). The example above is similar to the code below but with a better style. The advantage of the code below is that the object is now locally scoped in the function (to avoid scope pollution).
const personDetails = name => {
const person = {
name: name,
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
return person;
const p = personDetails("John Doe");
console.log(; // John Doe
Property Value Shorthand
It is also possible to use as many variables (and parameters) as values for property names (keys).
const personDetails = (name, age, isDoctor) => {
return {
name: name,
age: age,
isDoctor: isDoctor
const person = personDetails("John Doe", 34, true);
console.log(; // John Doe
console.log(person.age); // 34
console.log(person.isDoctor); // true
It is common to use special property value shorthand. The function personDetails()
above is called factory function. Factory function allows the creation of similar objects.
Instead of name:name
, age:age
, isDoctor:isDoctor
we can just write name
, age
, isDoctor
const personDetails = (name, age, isDoctor) => {
return {
const person = personDetails("John Doe", 34, true);
Both normal and shorthand properties can be in the same object.
const personDetails = (age, isDoctor) => {
return {
name: "John Doe",
const person = personDetails(34, true);
Alternatively declare the obj
before returning it.
const personDetails = (age, isDoctor) => {
const obj = {
name: "John Doe",
return obj;
const person = personDetails(34, true);
Undefined properties
Accessing property values that do not exist in an object returns undefined
const person = {
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
console.log(; // undefined
Property existence test
Properties can be tested for existence.
const person = {
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
} === undefined; // true
Alternatively, properties can be tested for existence by the special operator in
The example above is the same as below:
const person = {
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
"name" in person; // false
Here is another example
const person = {
name: undefined,
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
"name" in person; // true
The result fails if
is used.
See example below:
const person = {
name: undefined,
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
}; // undefined
Looping through Objects
To loop through object keys or values, the
syntax is used.
for (key in object) {
// statements to loop through keys
See the example below:
const person = {
yourName: "John Doe",
age: 34,
isDoctor: true
for (let key in person) {
// keys
console.log(key); // yourName, age, isDoctor
// values for the keys
console.log(person[key]); // John Doe, 34, true
Ordered Objects
Objects are sorted if the keys are integers
See the example below:
const person = {
"20": "John Doe",
"1": 34,
"3": true
for (let key in person) {
// keys
console.log(key); // 1, 3, 20
// values for the keys
console.log(person[key]); // 34, true, John Doe
The ordering above does not work for non-integer keys or decimal number keys.
const person = {
"+1": "John Doe",
"2.0": 34,
"bool": true
for (let key in person) {
// keys
console.log(key); // +1, 2.0, bool
// values for the keys
console.log(person[key]); // John Doe, 34, true
Happy coding!
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