Getting Started with Vagrant and VirtualBox

Getting Started with Vagrant and VirtualBox

Simplifying Development with Vagrant and VirtualBox: A Comprehensive Guide


6 min read

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Developers often face challenges when setting up and managing development environments across different machines. However, tools like Vagrant and VirtualBox offer a seamless solution by providing a way to create and manage virtual environments effortlessly. In this blog post, we will walk you through the installation process of Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows and macOS using two popular package managers: Choco and Brew. We'll also highlight commands that work specifically with Vagrant and VirtualBox, showcasing their unique benefits and demonstrating how they outperform commands on Git Bash for Windows users.


Installing Choco (Windows) and Brew (macOS)

If this is not your first time using Chocolatey or Chocolatey is already installed on your Windows Operating System skip this section.

Choco is a powerful package manager for Windows that simplifies software installation.

To install Chocolatey, follow these steps:

  1. Search for PowerShell and run it as an administrator on Windows.

  2. Go to the Chocolatey installation page.

  3. If this is your first time installing Chocolatey on your operating system, execute the following command in your terminal, based on the instructions provided on the installation page:

  • If the output is "Restricted", enter one of the commands below:
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned


Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process
  • Regardless of whether "Restricted" was the previous output or not, run the following command (copy and paste it into your terminal):
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  • If there are no errors, check if Chocolatey was successfully installed by running the following command:

If the output displays the version of Chocolatey you are using, it means the installation was successful.

Now you can install any package you want or upgrade an already existing package:

choco install <package>
choco upgrade <package>

For example:

choco install git
choco upgrade chocolatey

Note: Anytime asked Do you want to run the script?, type a (or all) more often rather than y (or yes) and click enter.

Do you want to run the script?([Y]es/[A]ll - yes to all/[N]o/[P]rint): a

Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox with Choco

With Choco installed, let's proceed to install Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows using Choco.

  1. Installing Vagrant:

    • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.

    • Execute the following command to install Vagrant using Choco:

        choco install vagrant
  2. Installing VirtualBox:

    • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.

    • Run the following command to install VirtualBox using Choco:

        choco install virtualbox

Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox with Brew

Before we proceed, Check if Homebrew is already installed.

brew -v

If you don't get the version, run the command below:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Normally Homebrew will provide further installation commands on the terminal to execute, make sure you execute them. For example, you might be requested to run the commands below. Run the following two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:

(echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/vagrant/.profile
   eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

These commands will add the necessary configuration to your profile so that Homebrew can be accessed from your terminal.

Now check again if it is installed successfully:

brew -v
  1. Installing Vagrant:

    • Open Terminal.

    • Execute the following command to install Vagrant using brew:

        brew install vagrant
  2. Installing VirtualBox:

    • Open Terminal.

    • Execute the following command to install VirtualBox (VM) using brew:

        brew install --cask virtualbox

Using Vagrant and VirtualBox

Now that we have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed, let's explore their functionalities and see how they simplify development workflows.

Box Names

When using the vagrant init command, the box name represents the base image or template from which Vagrant will create your virtual machine. The box name determines the operating system, pre-installed software, and configurations available for your development environment. Here are a few commonly used box names and their uses:

  1. hashicorp/bionic64:

    • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) 64-bit base box provided by HashiCorp.

    • Suitable for general-purpose development and testing on Ubuntu.

  2. ubuntu/focal64:

    • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit base box provided by Ubuntu.

    • Similar to hashicorp/bionic64, but with the newer Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release.

  3. centos/8:

    • CentOS 8 64-bit base box provided by CentOS.

    • Ideal for working with CentOS-specific software and configurations.

  4. debian/buster64:

    • Debian 10 (Buster) 64-bit base box provided by the Debian project.

    • Useful for Debian-based development and testing.

  5. fedora/33-cloud-base:

    • Fedora 33 Cloud Base 64-bit base box provided by the Fedora project.

    • Suitable for Fedora-specific development and testing.

  6. windows-server-2019:

    • Windows Server 2019 base box provided by Microsoft.

    • Enables Windows-based development and testing environments.

  7. Custom Boxes:

    • Apart from the official boxes, you can also use custom boxes created by the community or yourself.

    • Custom boxes allow you to tailor the virtual machine to your specific requirements, including pre-installed software, configurations, and provisioning scripts.

It's important to choose a box that aligns with your development needs and matches the desired operating system and software stack. Official boxes are typically reliable and regularly updated, but custom boxes can provide more flexibility if you have specific requirements.

When selecting a box, consider factors such as the operating system version, software compatibility, available support, and the community around the box. Reading the documentation and reviews for each box can help you make an informed decision based on your specific use case.

  1. Creating and Starting a Vagrant Virtual Machine:

    • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.

    • Navigate to your project directory.

    • Execute the following commands to initialize and start a Vagrant virtual machine:

        vagrant init <box-name>
        vagrant up
  2. Accessing the Vagrant Virtual Machine:

    • To SSH into the virtual machine, use the following command:

        vagrant ssh
  3. Managing Vagrant Virtual Machines:

    Run outside of the virtual machine environment (e.g., default OS terminal).

    • To stop a running virtual machine, use:

        vagrant halt
    • To destroy a virtual machine, use:

        vagrant destroy
  4. Creating and Managing VirtualBox Virtual Machines:

    • Open VirtualBox Manager to create and manage virtual machines using a graphical interface.
  • Alternatively, you can utilize the VBoxManage command-line tool for advanced management and automation.

Harnessing the Power of Vagrant and VirtualBox: Vagrant and VirtualBox provide a streamlined approach to managing development environments, allowing developers to work in isolated, reproducible setups. These tools offer the following benefits:

  1. Consistency: Vagrant and VirtualBox ensure that every team member has an identical development environment, reducing compatibility issues.

  2. Reproducibility: By defining project dependencies and configurations within Vagrant, developers can recreate the same environment across different machines.

  3. Collaboration: With Vagrant, teams can easily share development environments, making it effortless to collaborate on projects.

  4. Scalability: Vagrant simplifies the process of scaling environments by allowing the provisioning of multiple virtual machines.


In this blog post, we explored the installation and utilization of Vagrant and VirtualBox on Windows using Choco and Brew. We highlighted the advantages of these tools and provided commands that enhance the development experience for Windows users. With Vagrant and VirtualBox, you can effortlessly create and manage consistent and reproducible virtual environments, simplifying the development process and boosting collaboration within teams. Embrace the power of Vagrant and VirtualBox to enhance your development workflow and take your projects to new heights.


Remember to explore these resources and refer to the official website of Vagrant and Virtual Box or head over to their documentation to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.